Whether you call it the first or the last railway town in northern New South Wales, the historic Werris Creek Rail Depot and Junction was once at the heart of “the town that never slept”.
A bustling hub south-west of Tamworth, Werris Creek was specifically chosen by the NSW Government in 1877 to be a gateway for rail travel and trade across the region.

The Railway Station itself was designed and built as part of the Great North Railway under the leadership of famed railway engineer, John Whitton. Along with the Depot and Junction, they transformed the town into a regional centre. Werris Creek thrived on the steam era from the 1870s to the 1960s, and even today retains many artefacts from that time.
The impressive Station is still “working” and also houses the Rail Museum, an impressive tribute to the lives of railway men and women who built the Sate’s transport system. The town however has seen better days.
“Nothing was more up-to-date when it was built, or is more obsolete today, than the railroad station.” Ada Louise Huxtable.
SuggPix Old Buildings Gallery
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