The area around Beaudesert was originally settled for growing cotton and sheep. Due to the shortage of water in the area cotton was not a successful crop.
Hoop pine was successfully collected in the region and a Timber Mill was built in 1880. It is still operating today. The 1880’s also saw Cobb & Co stagecoaches run between Beaudesert and Jimboomba.
The railway was to be extended to Beaudesert by 1888 and The Catholic Church decided to establish the parish headquarters there.
Land was purchased and a presbytery was erected in 1885, with the largest room intended to house the congregation.
It was decided a church would be built in Beaudesert with work to commence in 1889.
The church plans were for a building built of beech and cypress pine, with the floor, studs, wall plates, and sleepers of ironbark .
Iconic Heritage Architecture
In1889, “Our Lady of the Purification” was opened, known ever since as St Mary’s.
By 1907 the congregation of St. Mary’s Beaudesert, had increased and the existing church was now too small, and a decision was made to move it to the village of Kerry, about 20 kms South, and build a new one.
The laying of the foundation block for the new church was on March 9th 1907.
On April 14th 1901, the foundation stone was laid for the Beaudesert Convent School and the school was opened on August 19th,with 101 enrolled students. The old school continued to be used until the late 1930s when moves were made to replace it with a new brick building.
This original school building still stands in the grounds and is now known as Mercy Hall.
The Church is a stunning piece of architectural heritage, and still serves the community today along with the school in the “new” building built in the 1930’s.

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